Command Injection Exploitation in DVWA using Metasploit (Bypass All Security)
Command injection is an attack in which the goal is execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system via a vulnerable application. Command injection attacks are possible when an application...
View ArticleExploting Joomla Website using Account Creation and Privilege Escalation Exploit
In this article we will learn about hacking Joomla CMS. And to so we will be a pre-instaled module of metasploit which will further help us to create an autocratic account with administrative...
View ArticleHack ALL Linux Kernel Version using Dirtycow Exploit
People say that “good things take time” but everyone knows that in today’s world everyone has everything but time especially in cyber security and hacking. But worry no more about time as we are going...
View ArticleHack the Kioptrix VM (CTF Challenge)
Today we going to solve Kioptrix: Level 1.3 (#4). It is Boot2Root series provided for practice. Hints we have from author are :· It’s possible to remotely compromise the machine· Stays...
View ArticleHack the Acid VM (CTF Challenge)
The name of the Virtual machine is "Acid Server" that we are going to crack. It is an Boot2Root Vm that we are going to solve. This is a web-based VM. Our main goal is to escalate the privileges to...
View ArticleHack the Lord of the Root VM (CTF Challenge)
This is another Boot2Root challenge which has been prepared by KoocSec for hacking exercises. He prepared this through the inspiration of his OSCP exam. It is based on the concepts of great...
View ArticleHack the Breach 2.1 VM (CTF Challenge)
Breach 2.1 is the second VM in the multi-series Boot2Root CTF challenges. This is developed by mrb3n. It is high-level challenge and shows a lot of scenario including plenty of twists and trolls along...
View ArticleHack Acid Reloaded VM (CTF Challenge)
Acid reloaded is the 2nd VM of the Acid series of Boot2Root CTF exercise. It is created by Avinash Thappa. To capture the flag, first we have to gain the root access that means escalating administrator...
View ArticlebWAPP Command Injection Exploitation using Commix (Bypass All Security)
Command injection is an attack in which the goal is execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system via a vulnerable application. Command injection attacks are possible when an application...
View ArticleHow to Secure SSH Port using Port Forwarding (Beginner Guide)
In this article I am going to perform how to use port forwarding in a system which is a process that redirects a communication request from a specific port to another port or host. It is basically...
View ArticlePlay Youtube videos as background sound in all WebPages using Xerosploit
Xerosploit is a penetration testing toolkit whose goal is to perform man in the middle attacks for testing purposes. It brings various modules that allow realizing efficient attacks, and also allows...
View Article5 ways to Brute Force Attack on Wordpress Website
Brute force attack using Burp SuiteTo make Burp Suite work, firstly, we have to turn on manual proxy and for that go to the settings and choose Preferences. Then select advanced option and further go...
View ArticleExploit Windows 10 pc using WinaXe 7.7 FTP Client Remote Buffer Overflow
This module exploits a buffer overflow in the WinaXe 7.7 FTP client. This issue is triggered when a client connects to the server and is expecting the Server Ready response.Exploit TargetsWinaXe 7.7...
View ArticleHack Android Phone using HTA Attack with QR Code
QR Code is a 2 dimensional barcode which can be scanned using Smartphone’s or dedicated QR Readers. These QR Codes are directly linked to contact numbers, websites, usernames, photos, SMS, E-mails and...
View Article7 Ways to Get Admin Access of Remote Windows PC (Bypass Privilege Escalation)
When you exploit the victim pc there would be certain limits which resist performing some action even after you are having the shell of victim’s pc. To get complete access of your victim pc; you need...
View ArticleHack the SkyDog Con CTF 2016 - Catch Me If You Can VM
SkyDog is the second VM in CTF Root2Boot series created by James Brower. It is configured with DHCP so the IP will be given to it automatically. This VM is based on Catch me if you can which is movie...
View ArticleCapture Images in Victim,s Mobile using Driftnet through Wifi Pumpkin
WiFi-Pumpkin is an open source security tool that provides the Rogue access point to Man-In-The-Middle and network attacks. Using WiFi Pumpkin, one can create a wifi network that captures all the...
View Article4 Ways to get Linux Privilege Escalation
When you exploit the victim pc there would be certain limits which resist performing some action even after you are having the shell of victim’s pc. To get complete access of your victim pc; you need...
View ArticleHack the Seattle VM (CTF Challenge)
This is another article for Boot2Root series in CTF challenges. This lab is prepared by HollyGracefull. This is just a preview of the original lab which stimulates the Ecommerce web application which...
View ArticleHack the Billy Madison VM (CTF Challenge)
Today in our CTF challenges we are going to do Billy Madison. This VM is based on 90’s movie Billy Madison, hence the name of the VM. The main aim of this VM is to figure out how Eric took over the...
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