Hack Lock PC in Network using Metasploit
Today we will discover how to take Meterpreter session of a pc in a network which is switched on but is locked.Let us assume that our victim’s pc already has sticky keys attack enabled on it. To know...
View ArticleGet Meterpreter Session of Locked PC Remotely (Remote Desktop Enabled)
Lets learn how to take Meterpreter session of a pc in a network which is switched on but is locked and has remote desktop feature enabled on it.Let us assume that our victim’s pc already has utilman...
View ArticleSQL Injection Exploitation in DVWA (Bypass All Security)
A SQL injection attack consists of insertion or "injection" of a SQL query via the input data from the client to the application. A successful SQL injection exploit can read sensitive data from the...
View ArticleHack the Necromancer VM (CTF Challenge)
The Necromancer boot2root box was created for a recent SecTalks Brisbane CTF competition. There are 11 flags to collect on your way to solving the challenge. The end goal is simple…. Destroy the...
View ArticlePowershell Injection Attacks using Commix and Magic Unicorn
Command injection is an attack in which the goal is execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system via a vulnerable application. Command injection attacks are possible when an application...
View ArticleHack the Hackday Albania VM (CTF Challenge)
This was used in HackDay Albania's 2016 CTF. It uses DHCP.Note: VMware users may have issues with the network interface doing down by default. You are recommended to use Virtualbox.Download the lab...
View ArticleDatabase Penetration Testing using Sqlmap
Sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection...
View ArticleHack the Freshly VM (CTF Challenge)
Here we come with a new article which will all be about a penetration testing challenge called FRESHLY. The goal of this challenge is to break into the machine via the web and find the secret hidden in...
View ArticleHack File upload Vulnerability in DVWA (Bypass All Security)
File upload vulnerability are a major problem with web based applications. In many web server this vulnerability depend entirely on purpose that allows an attacker to upload a file hiding malicious...
View ArticleFTP Service Exploitation in Metasploitable 3
Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities. It is intended to be used as a target for testing exploits with Metasploit, hence to brush up...
View ArticleHack Metasploitable 3 using Elasticsearch Exploit
Elastic search is a distributed REST search engine used in companies for analytic search. And so we will learn how to exploit our victim through it. Start off by nmap.nmap –p- -A shows...
View ArticleMetasploitable 3 Exploitation using Brute forcing SSH
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxScan the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. I am using nmap command for scanning the target PC. Type the following command on terminal in...
View ArticleHack Metasploitable 3 using SMB Service Exploitation
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxScan the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. I am using nmap command for scanning the target PC. NMAP shown all available open ports and...
View ArticlePerform DOS Attack on Metasploitable 3
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxScan the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. Use nmap command for scanning the victim PC. Type the following command on terminal in kali...
View ArticleHack Metasploitable 3 using Mysql Service Exploitation
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxScan the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. Use nmap command for scanning the target PC. NMAP shown all available open ports and their...
View ArticleHack the Zorz VM ()CTF Challenge
Zorz is another VM that will challenge your webapp skills. There are 3 separate challenges (web pages) on this machine. It should be pretty straight forward. This machine will probably test your web...
View ArticleManual Penetration Testing in Metasploitable 3
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxScan the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. I am using nmap command for scanning the target PC. Type the following command on terminal in...
View ArticleExploitation of Metasploitable 3 using Glassfish Service
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxUse nmap command for scanning the target PC. NMAP will show all available open ports and their running services. Type the following command on terminal in...
View ArticlePenetration Testing in Metasploitable 3 with SMB and Tomcat
Target: Metasploitable 3Attacker: Kali LinuxLet’s begin through scanning the target IP to know the Open ports for running services. I am using nmap command for scanning the target PC. Type the...
View ArticleHack Admin Access of Remote windows 10 PC using Eventvwr Registry Key Exploit
First of all, to learn to how to hack victim’s PC click here. After hacking when you have gained a meterpreter session then type:getprivsusing this command you will confirm the fact that you have not...
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