Hack the Simple VM (CTF Challenge)
Simple CTF is a boot2root that focuses on the basics of web based hacking. Once you load the VM, treat it as a machine you can see on the network, i.e. you don't have physical access to this machine....
View ArticleHack the Kevgir VM (CTF Challenge)
In this article we will walkthrough a root2boot penetration testing challenge i.e Kevgir. Kevgir is a vulnerable framework, based on the concept of CTF(Capture The Flag). Start off with finding the...
View ArticleHack the Milnet VM (CTF Challenge)
This is a boot2root challenge which we will try to complete. This VM is created by Warriorand is a basic exploitable VM so we do not need to worry about any advance exploits and reverse engineering....
View ArticleHack the SkyDog VM (CTF Challenge)
SkyDog is a Capture the Flag VM with six flags. Capturing these flags is quite fun and interesting. Before starting off i am listing the following hints that we know of beforehand:Flag #1 Home Sweet...
View ArticleHack the Breach 1.0 VM (CTF Challenges)
This time we are going to solve a fun VM i.e. Breach 1.0. Let's find out what we already know about it:Breach 1.0 is a first VM in a multi-part series, it is meant to be for beginner to intermediate...
View ArticleHack the TommyBoy VM (CTF Challenge)
Tommy Boy VM is a CTF based on the movie Tommy Boy and the fictitious company "Callahan Auto" in the movie. This CTF, Tommy Boy, has been created by Brian Johnson of 7 Minute Security. It is a really...
View ArticleHack the Minotaur VM (CTF Challenge)
Minotaur is a Boot2Root CTF challenge which helps us improve our skills especially of password cracking. The VM will assign itself a specific IP address (in the range). Do not change...
View ArticleBrute Force Website Login Page using Burpsuite (Beginner Guide)
In this article we will learn to prosecute dictionary attack from BurpSuite. And we will try and crack the password of DVWA Lab.Burp Suite: Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security...
View ArticleHack Android Phone using Backdoor Apk
Sometimes in hacking we have to use most genuine way so that victim is surely hacked. These genuine ways are to be used for our advantage. One of the most genuine ways to hack an android phone is to...
View ArticleHack the NullByte VM (CTF Challenge)
This is our article of root2boot penetration testing challenge. We will walk through a exploitable framework of NullByte VM. Breaking into it isn’t too difficult. There isn’t any advanced exploitation...
View ArticleHijacking Gmail Message on Air using Burpsuite
There are various vibrant attacks of burpsuite that many not know off; therefore we will try one for those in this article today. We will learn how to get between the networks of gmail and then to...
View ArticleHack the Fristileaks VM (CTF Challenge)
Today we will walk through the FristiLeaks VM. There is nothing that we know about this VM except for the fact that security level is from beginner to intermediate. Also this VM only works on...
View ArticlePassword Cracking using Nmap
In previous practical I had used basic command to scan victim's PC and found open ports like ftp, Ssh, telnet, snmp and etc. You can check from here. But now the question is if we found open ports...
View ArticleSMS Bombing in Mobile using Burpsuite
In this article we will learn about SMS bombing. It is used to prank your friends by sending those hundreds and thousands of SMS at once. There are many third party sites to do so but there are usually...
View ArticleHack the SickOS 1.1 VM (CTF Challenge)
This time we are going to crack SickOS 1.1 in the Boot2root challenges. This CTF gives a clear analogy how hacking strategies can be performed on a network to compromise it in a safe environment. The...
View ArticleHack any Android Phone using Spade APK Backdoor
In this article we will learn yet another method hack android authentically. This is the most uncontrived way of hacking an android user as you are binding your maligant file with the original one just...
View ArticleHack the VulOS 1.1 VM (CTF Challenge)
“Your assignment is to pentest a company website, get root of the system and read the final flag” is the only thing we know about this VM other than that is it a smaller one. Therefore without any...
View ArticleHack the SpyderSec VM (CTF Challenge)
You are looking for two flags. Using discovered pointers in various elements of the running web application you can deduce the first flag (a downloadable file) which is required to find the second flag...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows 10 PC using HTA Web Server
This module hosts an HTML Application (HTA) that when opened will run a payload via Powershell. When a user navigates to the HTA file they will be prompted by IE twice before the payload is...
View ArticleSearch Port Names and Numbers using whatportis
Whatportis is a utility command to search port numbers and/or names. It often happens that we need to find the default port number for a specific service, or what service is normally listening on a...
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