Hack Any Android Phone with DroidJack (Beginner's Guide)
DroidJack is an android RAT which gives you the power to establish control over your victim's Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them.First of all download...
View ArticleCrack Wifi Password using Aircrack-ng
This is the classical method of wireless password cracking .All the tools use this method in one way or other.First start the monitor mode which will listen to all the wifi connections nearby with...
View Article3 Ways to Crack Wifi using Pyrit, oclHashcat and Cowpatty
First start the monitor mode on our wireless adaptor .airmon-ng start wlan0Now the monitor mode is enabled with name wlan0mon.and then with the following command start listening to all the available...
View ArticleHow to Detect Sniffer in Your Network
Xarp is an advanced anti spoofing tool that flags all the spoofing attacks that might be using ARP(address resolution protocol) targeting your system. This includes documents, emails and VoiceIP...
View ArticleHack Untangle NG Firewall using command Injection Vulnerability
Untangle’s NG Firewall enables us to quickly and easily create the network policies that deliver the perfect balance between security and productivity.Untangle NGFW <= v12.1.0 beta execEvil()...
View ArticlePenetration Testing in Windows/Active Directory with Crackmapexec
Crackmapexec is a swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments. Active Directory (AD) is a directory service that Microsoft developed for Windows domain networks. It is...
View ArticleHack Locked Workstation Password in Clear Text
For this tutorial we will be using kali Linux iso which can be found on their official website and wce(windows credentials editor) which can be found at...
View ArticleHack Remote PC using Microsoft Office Files (Macro Payloads)
Veil-Evasion is a powerful tool to generate payload executables that bypass common antivirus solutions.To install veil-evasion on your kali linux, type :>apt-get install veil-evasionAfter the...
View ArticleWifi Penetration Testing using Gerix Wifi Cracker
GERIX WIFI CRACKER is a GUI wireless 802.11 penetration tools which uses the aircrack-ng method behind its point and click method to crack the wifi password.First of all clone the github repo with...
View ArticleHack Password using Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack (WiFi-Pumpkin)
WiFi-Pumpkin framework for Rogue Wi-Fi Access Point Attack It helps a hacker to create a free open fake wifi and as soon as victim connects to the fake open wifi, he gets trapped. However, the best...
View ArticleOpenSSH User Enumeration Time-Based Attack with Osueta
OpenSSH (also known as OpenBSD Secure Shell) is a suite of security-related network-level utilities based on the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, which help to secure network communications via the...
View ArticleHack Wifi using Evil Twin Method with Linset in kali Linux
Linset is a tool for Evil twin attackHow it worksScan the networks.Select network.Capture handshake (can be used without handshake)We choose one of several web interfaces tailored for me (thanks to the...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows PC using Regsvr32.exe (.sct) Application Whitelisting...
This module simplifies the Regsvr32.exe Application Whitelisting Bypass technique. The module creates a web server that hosts an .sct file. When the user types the provided regsvr32 command on a...
View ArticleExploit Remote Server using Tiki-Wiki CMS Calendar Command Execution
Tiki-Wiki CMS's calendar module contains a remote code execution vulnerability within the viewmode GET parameter. The calendar module is NOT enabled by default. If enabled, the default permissions are...
View ArticleHack Web Server using PHP Command Injection (Smplshllctrlr)
Smplshllctrlr is a PHPCommand Injection exploitation tool so for demo we will be using DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App).1.) Exploit web page and upload simple-shell.php (or simply find an existing...
View ArticleHack Windows PC using MSoffice and Veil payload
Veil-Evasion is a powerful tool to generate payload executables that bypass common antivirus solutions.To install veil-evasion on your kali linux, type :apt-get install veil-evasion After the...
View ArticleHack Web Server using Tiki Wiki Unauthenticated File Upload Vulnerability
This module exploits a file upload vulnerability in Tiki Wiki <= 15.1 which could be abused to allow unauthenticated users to execute arbitrary code under the context of the web server user. The...
View ArticleFirewall Penetration Testing in Remote Windows PC (Part 1)
To play with firewall, we, first, should understand how it works.Firewall is a network security system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. Firewalls can be implemented...
View ArticleFirewall Penetration Testing in Remote Windows PC (Part 2)
For introduction to firewall please visit Firewall Penetration Testing – Part 1. In this article we will learn how to view inbound and outbound rules of firewall in remote PC, how to delete a rule,...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows PC using Macros with Msfvenom
Open metasploit framework by typing the command: and typeuse windows/meterpreter/reverse_httpsmsf exploit (reverse_https)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)msf exploit (reverse_https)>set...
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