Denial of Service Attack on Network PC using SET Toolkit
First open your kali Linux application tab in Exploitation Tools and then chose SET ToolkitNow press enterNow choose option 2, “Fast-Track Penetration Testing” and enterThen choose option 2, “Custom...
View ArticleExploit Remote Windows PC using ps1encodeTool
Use to generate and encode a powershell based metasploit payloads.Available output types:· raw (encoded payload only - no powershell run options)· cmd (for use with bat files)·...
View Article2 ways to Hack Windows 10 Password Easy Way
Start your computer and enter into Bios Setup. Change your boot preferences to boot from CD /DVD. Click on NextNow select the “Repair your computer” option from the lower left-hand corner.Then click on...
View ArticleFind the Vulnerable Router on Internet using RouterhunterBR
The RouterhunterBR is an automated security tool that finds vulnerabilities and performs tests on routers and vulnerable devices on the Internet. The RouterhunterBR was designed to run over the...
View ArticleExploit Remote Windows PC using HTA Attack with Net Tools
open your kali Linux terminal and type the following command git clone git:// netoolsh-opensource-kaliOpen terminal and type ./ and press enter to...
View ArticleHack Remote PC using DARKCOMET RAT with Metasploit
Download DarkcometRAT From here After downloading Darkcomet unzip the archive fileSet the location of darkcomet and type “wine DarkComet.exeFirst open DARKCOMET RAT and click on ‘I Accept’ (bottom...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows 10 PC using psmsf
PSMSF can help us generate payload or files used in cmd console/browser/.. With Metasploit-Framework. If you are similar to windows cmd console, you can use the results in different areas.Open your...
View ArticleExploit Remote Windows PC using PSploitGen
This python script generates metasploit shellcode payloads in Windows batch file format, powershell script format, and MS-Office visual basic macro format. The default metasploit payloads are:·...
View Article4 Ways to Hack SSH Service on Remote PC
SSH Login Check ScannerThis module will test ssh logins on a range of machines and report successful logins. If you have loaded a database plugin and connected to a database this module will record...
View ArticleHow to Configure Untangle Firewall for Network Security (Beginner Guide)
Note: System must have dual LAN cardsOpen VMWARE tool, create a new virtual machine. Select Installer disc image file and select OS image of untangle and click next.Enter your virtual machine name and...
View ArticleNetwork Scanning using NMAP (Beginner Guide)
Basic Scanning TechniquesSo here I will show the basic techniques for scanning network/host. But before that, you should know some basic stuff regarding Nmap status after scanning.Port Status: After...
View Article2 Ways to Hack Remote Desktop Password using kali Linux
Remote Desktop run on port 3389 so in order to discover information regarding the RDP we need to execute the following script:Nmap –sV your Kali Linux terminal and Type xhydra...
View Article5 Ways to Hack FTP Service on Remote PC
This module will test FTP logins on a range of machines and report successful logins. If you have loaded a database plugin and connected to a database this module will record successful logins and...
View ArticleHack Remote Linux PC using PHP File
This module quickly fires up a web server that serves a payload. The provided command will start the specified scripting language interpreter and then download and execute the payload. The main purpose...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows 10 PC using Discover Tool
Open your kali Linux terminal and type the following commandgit clone terminal and type ./ and press enter to continueNow it will show you...
View ArticleSetup Web Penetest Lab for Beginners using DVWA and OWASP Mutillidae II
DVWADamn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal...
View ArticleWifi Forensic Investigation using Wifihistoryview
WifiHistoryView is a simple tool for Windows 10/8/7/Vista that displays the history of connections to wireless networks on your computer. For every event that the computer connected to a wireless...
View Article3 Ways to Hack Telnet Passsword of Remote PC
This module will test a telnet login on a range of machines and report successful logins. If you have loaded a database plugin and connected to a database this module will record successful logins and...
View ArticleiOS Application Security: The Definitive Guide for Hackers and Developers
View ArticleHow to Setup VyOS (Virtual Router Pentest Lab)
VyOS is a Linux-based network operating system that provides software-based network routing, firewall, and VPN functionality. Its configuration syntax and command-line interface are loosely derived...
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