Data Exfiltration using PowerShell Empire
In our previous post, we had already discussed “Command and Control with DropboxC2” But we are going to demonstrate Data Exfiltration by using PowerShell Empire where we will extract the unauthorized...
View ArticleDC-5 Vulnhub Walkthrough
Today we are going to take another boot2root challenge known as “DC-5”. The credit for making this VM machine goes to “DCAU” and it is another boot2root challenge in which our goal is to get root...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester : APT Privilege Escalation
In this article we'll talk about APT (apt-get) functionality and learn how helpful the apt command is for Linux peneration testing and how we'll progress apt to scale the greater privilege shell.Table...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester : ZIP Privilege Escalation
Today We are going to tell you that how can we perform Privilege Escalation with Zip command. As we all know that Zip is an easy platform-based file packaging and compression utilities for Unix-like...
View ArticleEvilginx2- Advanced Phishing Attack Framework
This is the successor of Evilginx 1, and it stays in-line with the MITM lineage. This tool is designed for Phishing attack to capture login credentials and session cookie. Table of Content Overview...
View ArticlePenetration Testing on Splunk
In this article we are going to exploit SPLUNK using reverse shell. One can find this beneficial in exploiting and do penetration testing of SPLUNK environment of their respective IT...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: Wget Privilege Escalation
In this article we are going to describe the entire utility of Wget command and how vital it is in Linux peneration testing. As Wget is used for downloading the files from server so here we will learn...
View ArticleCloakify-Factory: A Data Exfiltration Tool Uses Text-Based Steganography
In our previous post, we had already discussed on “Cloud Storage Uploads for data exfiltration” and today we are going to discussed “Concealed Method for Data Exfiltration” to extract the unauthorized...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: Find Privilege Escalation
Today in this article we are back with another most advantageous command from the series of Linux for Pentester i.e.“Find’. The Find command is used to search the list of files and directories, so by...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: CAT Privilege Escalation
Today we are going to talk about CAT command and learn how helpful the apt command is for Linux penetration testing and how we’ll progress apt to scale the greater privilege shell.Table of Content·...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: xxd Privilege Escalation
In this article we are going to make our readers familiar with another influential command i.e. “xxd” which assist for converting any hex dump to a binary and vice-versa. So, by knowing this certainty...
View ArticleHappycorp:1 Vulnhub Walkthrough
This is another post on vulnhub CTF “named as “HAPPYCORP:1” by Zayotic. It is design for VMware platform, and it is a boot to root challenge where you have to find flags to finish the task assigned by...
View ArticleBeginner’s Guide to Nexpose
In this article we’ll learn about Nexpose, which is used to scan a vulnerability network. There are various vulnerability scanners but the part that keeps it special is its smooth user interface and...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: Time Privilege Escalation
In this article, we’ll talk about Time command which is a linux utility and learn how helpful the time command is for Linux penetration testing and how we’ll progress time to scale the greater...
View ArticleHack the Box: Help Walkthrough
Help is a recently retired CTF challenge VM on Hack the Box and the objective remains the same-- Capture the root flag. Hack the Box offers a wide range of VMs for practice from beginner to advanced...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: Taskset Privilege Escalation
In this article, we’ll talk about taskset command which is a Linux utility and learn how helpful the time command is for Linux penetration testing and how we’ll progress time to scale the greater...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: cp Privilege Escalation
In this article we are going to grasp another very worthwhile command i.e. “cp” (copy) and will cover all the basic function of ‘cp” command that a user can use. As we know this command helps in...
View ArticleShellphish: A Phishing Tool
Shellphish is an interesting tool that we came across that illustrates just how easy and powerful phishing tools have become today. The tool leverages some of the templates generated by another tool...
View ArticleLinux for Pentester: git Privilege Escalation
In this article we will understand a very dominant command i.e “git” which is use in version control of software development for controlling source code and helps the software developer. Here I’m using...
View ArticleSymfonos:1 Vulnhub Walkthrough
This is another post on vulnhub CTF “named as “symfonos” by Zayotic. It is designed for VMware platform, and it is a boot to root challenge where you have to find flags to finish the task assigned by...
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