Setup Firewall Pentest Lab using Clear OS
Clear OS is basically a Linux based server operating system for small business which comes with server, networking and gateway related functions. Clear OS is available in a Home, Business and free...
View ArticleWeeman - HTTP Server for Phishing
Weeman is a simple python http server script that creates powerful phishing page. It work just like other phishing framework, simply it takes credentials from users when they type confidential...
View ArticleHack Remote PC using PHP Utility Belt Remote Code Execution
This module exploits remote code execution vulnerability in PHP Utility Belt, which is a set of tools for PHP developers and should not be installed in a production environment, since this application...
View ArticleHack Remote PC using ATutor 2.2.1 SQL Injection / Remote Code Execution
This module exploits SQL Injection vulnerability and authentication weakness vulnerability in ATutor. This essentially means an attacker can bypass authentication and reach the administrator's...
View ArticleHack Remote PC using Joomla HTTP Header Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
Joomla suffers from an unauthenticated remote code execution that affects all versions from 1.5.0 to 3.4.5. By storing user supplied headers in the databases session table it's possible to truncate the...
View ArticleVulnerability Scanning in Network using Retina
Retina is a network vulnerability scanner, one of the industry’s most powerful and effective vulnerability scanners. This network scanning tool gives pretty good vulnerability assessment experience and...
View ArticleInformation Gathering using Maltego (Beginner Guide)
Maltego is a great tool for penetration testers and forensic investigator’s which is used for open-source intelligence gathering and forensics. Maltego is totally different and powerful from other...
View ArticleHack Remote Server using WordPress Plugin Foxypress uploadify.php Arbitrary...
This module exploits an arbitrary PHP code execution flaw in the WordPress blogging software plugin known as Foxypress. The vulnerability allows for arbitrary file upload and remote code execution via...
View ArticleHack Drupal Website Server using Drupal HTTP Parameter Key/Value SQL Injection
This module exploits the Drupal HTTP Parameter Key/Value SQL Injection (aka Drupageddon) in order to achieve a remote shell on the vulnerable instance. This module was tested against Drupal 7.0 and...
View ArticleHack Windows Server in Network using Atelier Web Remote Command
Every geek, system administer and help-desk personnel love the feature of accessing computers or laptops remotely but we also know that accessing a computer remotely requires that we have to install...
View ArticleBeyond Bitcoin: The Economics of Digital Currencies
View ArticleDetect Hacker in Network using kfsensor Honeypot
KFSensor is windows based Honeypot IDS (Intrusion Detection System), which acts as a honeypot to attract and detect hackers or other unauthorized users and Trojans by creating a virtual vulnerable...
View ArticleHow to identify Network Vulnerabilities using Nessus (Beginner Guide)
Every hackers or information security person is incomplete without a vulnerability scanner, especiallywithout Nessus vulnerability scanner. Because Nessus is a very powerful tool and world’s most...
View ArticleFind Your Website History using Waybackpack
Waybackpack is a command-line tool that lets you download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URLOpen your Kali Linux terminal and go to desktop and type the following commandgit clone...
View ArticleWeb Server Penetration with DVWA and Metasploit (Beginner Guide)
Open your kali linux terminal and typemsfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f rawIt will generate a raw code of php fileNow copy the generated code in the text file...
View ArticleDetect Vulnerability Scanner in Network using Kfsensor
In the previous article, we have seen that how KFSensorHoneypot IDS detects any unauthorized person by simulating vulnerable system services. Well, vulnerability to a hacker is like jewels. Every...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows 10 PC using Cypher (Adding Shellcode to PE files)
First clone cypherrepository from github, to do so type:git clone choose an executable file and copy to cypher folder to bind the cypherwith any .exe fileHere in...
View ArticleHack Remote Windows PC Dell SonicWALL Scrutinizer 11.01 methodDetail SQL...
This module exploits a vulnerability found in Dell SonicWALL Scrutinizer. The methodDetail parameter in exporters.php allows an attacker to write arbitrary files to the file system with an SQL...
View ArticleExploit Remote PC using Advantech WebAccess Dashboard Viewer upload Image...
This module exploits an arbitrary file upload vulnerability found in Advantech WebAccess 8.0. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of...
View ArticleAccess Sticky keys Backdoor on Remote PC with Sticky Keys Hunter
This bash script tests for sticky keys and utilman backdoors. The script will connect to an RDP server; send both the sticky keys and utilman triggers and screenshot the result.How does it work?·...
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